CEM DT-128M Pinless Moisture Meter

CEM DT-128M Pinless Moisture Meter

128M/128H is the NON-Contact Moisture Meter,It is an electronic dampness indicator with a measuring process working on the principle of high frequency. The instrument is used for non-destructively tracing dampness in building materials of all kinds as well as for detecting damp distribution in walls , ceilings and floors. It is particulary suitable for pre-testing the readiness of building materials for covering prior to CM measurement.

Product Description

CEM DT-128M Pinless Moisture Meter

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128M/128H is the NON-Contact Moisture Meter,It is an electronic dampness indicator with a measuring process working on the principle of high frequency. The instrument is used for non-destructively tracing dampness in building materials of all kinds as well as for detecting damp distribution in walls , ceilings and floors. It is particulary suitable for pre-testing the readiness of building materials for covering prior to CM measurement.


Features CEM DT-128M Pinless Moisture Meter

  • Quickly indicate the moisture content of materials
  • CM % measured function
  • Depth of penetration about 20-40mm with alarms
  • Measure and HOLD Function
  • MAX/MIN display Function
  • Programmable moisture alarms
  • Auto Power Off & low battery indication
  • White Backlit LCD Display
  • Multiple Material Groups (128H)

Specifications CEM DT-128M Pinless Moisture Meter

Measuring Range 0.0~100.0 %
Penetration Depth 20~40mm
Resolution 0.1
Battery Three “AAA” Batteries
Moisture Table of Comparison
Construction material Display Moisture status
<30 digits dry
30 – 60 digits at risk
>60 digits wet
<25 digits dry
25 – 50 digits at risk
50 – 75 digits wet
>75 digits all wet


  • 3דAAA” V battery, gift box with carrying case



CEM DT 128M – Datasheet

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier CEM DT-128M Pinless Moisture Meter dan juga menjual Brand CEM Instruments. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSISGISMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


Additional Information


CEM Instruments



Made In



1,5 kg

Accessories Included

3דAAA” V battery, gift box with carrying case

Product Enquiry


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