CEM DT-171 Temperature and Humidity Data Logger

CEM DT-171 Temperature and Humidity Data Logger
  • Records 32000 Data Points, 16000 each for temperature & Humidity
  • Freely selectable measuring cycle from 2 Sec to 24 Hours
  • High Battery Life
  • Displays all status information through two LED’s
  • Download collected data through USB PC Interface
  • Temperature Measurement in both Celsius and Fahrenheit Scales
  • Alarm Display if user-defined maximum / minimum values are exceeded

Product Description

CEM DT-171 Temperature and Humidity Data Logger

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A very convenient instrument to record the temperature and humidity values  and to record high temperature. The readings are saved in the logger and simply read out by your PC with USB interface.

Features CEM DT-171 Temperature and Humidity Data Logger

  • Records 32000 Data Points, 16000 each for temperature & Humidity
  • Freely selectable measuring cycle from 2 Sec to 24 Hours
  • High Battery Life
  • Displays all status information through two LED’s
  • Download collected data through USB PC Interface
  • Temperature Measurement in both Celsius and Fahrenheit Scales
  • Alarm Display if user-defined maximum / minimum values are exceeded
  • Analysis software used to view graph for logging data
  • Software compatible to WINDOWS 7, 8, 98, 2000, XP, VISTA 7

Specifications CEM DT-171 Temperature and Humidity Data Logger

Relative Humidity
Overall Range 0 to 100%
Accuracy (0 to 20 and 80 to 100%) ±5.0%
Accuracy (20 to 40 and 60 to 80%) ±3.5%
Accuracy (40 to 60%) ±3.0%
Overall Range -40 to 70°C (-40 to 158°F)
Accuracy (-40 to -10 and +40 to +70°C) ±2°C
Accuracy (-10 to +40°C) ±1°C
Accuracy (-40 to +14 and 104 to 158°F) ±3.6°F
Accuracy (+14 to +104°F) ±1.8°F
Dew point Temperature Overall Range -40 to 70°C (-40 to 158°F)
Accuracy (25°C, 40 to 100%RH) ±2.0°C (±4.0°F)
Logging rate Selectable sampling interval: From 2 seconds up to 24 hours
Operating temperature -35 to 80°C (-31to 176°F)
Battery type 3.6V lithium (1/2AA) (SAFT LS14250, Tadiran TL-5101 or equivalent)
Battery life 1 year(typ.) depending on logging rate, ambient temperature & use of Alarm LEDs
Dimensions/Weight 101 x 25 x 23mm (4x1x.9”)/172g (6oz)


  • Instruction Manual
  • Li Battery
  • Software
  • USB Cable
  • Wall Holder



CEM DT 171 – Datasheet

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier CEM DT-171 Temperature and Humidity Data Logger dan juga menjual Brand CEM Instruments. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSISGISMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


Additional Information


CEM Instruments



Made In



1 kg

Accessories Included

Instruction Manual
Li Battery
USB Cable
Wall Holder

Product Enquiry


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