CEM DT-827V Mini Infrared Thermometer

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CEM DT-827V Mini Infrared Thermometer

CEM 827/827V mini IR Thermometers provide non-contact temperature measurements: Food preparation, Safety and Fire inspectors, Plastic molding, Asphalt, Marine and Screen Printing,Measure ink and dryer temperature, Diesel and Fleet maintenance. Targeting objects become easy with the bright laser beam. It allows you to read the measured data in dim environment with backlight.

Product Description

CEM DT-827V Mini Infrared Thermometer

Karya Mandiri Techindo has a wide range of CEM Instrument products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

CEM 827/827V mini IR Thermometers provide non-contact temperature measurements: Food preparation, Safety and Fire inspectors, Plastic molding, Asphalt, Marine and Screen Printing,Measure ink and dryer temperature, Diesel and Fleet maintenance. Targeting objects become easy with the bright laser beam. It allows you to read the measured data in dim environment with backlight.


  • Cooling and Reheating
  • Serving areas
  • Food service Equipment
  • Cold storage

Features CEM DT-827V Mini Infrared Thermometer

827 827V
User selectable ℃or℉ * *
Dual laser targeting Single Laser *
Automatic Data Hold * *
Auto Power Off * *
Negativity display *
Overrange indication * *
MAX/MIN/DIF/AVG display * *
High/Low temp alarm/record * *
Backlight * *
Color LCD display *
Adjustable emissivity * *

Specifications CEM DT-827V Mini Infrared Thermometer

827 827V
Temperature Range -50℃to500℃/-58℉to 932℉ -50℃ to760℃/-58℉to 1400℉
Distance to Spot size 12:1
Response Time Less Than 500ms
Accuracy ±2%or±2℃(3.6℉)
Resolution 0.1℃/℉
Emissivity Adjustable 0.10~1.0

Accessories: 9V battery, Carrying case and Clamshell



CEM DT-827V – Catalog

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier CEM DT-827V Mini Infrared Thermometer dan juga menjual Brand CEM Instrument. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSI, SGI, SMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


Additional Information


CEM Instruments



Made In



1 kg

Accessories Included

9V battery
Carrying case

Product Enquiry


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