CEM DT-9868S Thermal Camera

CEM DT-9868S Thermal Camera

  • IR temperature measurement resolution 32×32
  • 640*480 pixel video camera
  • 2.2″ TFT 320×240 Pixels color LCD display
  • Image Capture Frequency 9Hz
  • <Thermal Sensitivity (NETD) 100 mK
  • Hot Spot and Cold Spot Tracking
  • Visual Camera & Images Capture(BMP)

Product Description

CEM DT-9868S Thermal Camera

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CEM Instruments DT9868S is a Professional InfraRed 32×32 pixels Imager Thermometer with 2.2” color TFT LCD display, 32×32 pixels Imagers & a microSD memory card for capturing Circular images(BMP) for viewing on your PC, providing fast, easy and accurate readings for most surface temperature measurements.

  • Plant/General Maintenance
  • HVAC/R
  • Transportation/Automotive
  • Cooling and Reheating
  • Serving areas
  • Food service Equipment

Features CEM DT-9868S Thermal Camera

  • IR temperature measurement resolution 32×32
  • 640*480 pixel video camera
  • 2.2″ TFT 320×240 Pixels color LCD display
  • Image Capture Frequency 9Hz
  • <Thermal Sensitivity (NETD) 100 mK
  • Hot Spot and Cold Spot Tracking
  • Visual Camera & Images Capture(BMP)
  • MicroSD memory card
  • Date/time setup controls, Adjustable emissivity & trigger lock
  • Li-ion rechargeable battery
  • USB interface to smartphone / PC
  • Language selection: English, Chinese,French, German, Italia

Specifications CEM DT-9868S Thermal Camera

Imaging and optical data
Thermal sensitivity (NETD) 100 mK
Image frequency 9Hz
Detector data
Detector type Uncooled hyper-thin pyroelectric ceramic
Spectral range 8-14μm
IR resolution 32 x 32 pixels
Object temperature range -20°C to 600°C (-4°F to 1112°F)
Accuracy ±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading
Spotmeter Center spot
Emissivity adjustable 0.10~1.0 Adjustable
Single point infrared thermometer
Temperature range -50°C to 1000°C (-58°F to 1832°F) (9868H)
D:S 50:1(9868H)
Basic accuracy ±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% of reading (9868H)
Response Time Less than 150ms (9868H)
Micro SD memory card MAX. support 8GB
Field of View 33° x 33°
Image storage format Standard BMP, including measurement data, on

memory card > 1000 pictures



CEM DT 9868S – Datasheet

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier CEM DT-9868S Thermal Camera dan juga menjual Brand CEM Instrument. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSI, SGI, SMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


Additional Information


CEM Instruments



Made In



2 kg

Accessories Included

3.7V Li battery
USB cable
Carrying case

Product Enquiry


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