Extech 407790A Real Time Octave Band Analyzer

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Extech 407790A Real Time Octave Band Analyzer

Extech’s Type 2 Integrating Sound Level Meter with Octave and 1/3 Octave Band Real Time is displayed on a large 3.5″ 320×240 TFT color backlit LCD.

Product Description

Extech 407790A Real Time Octave Band Analyzer

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Extech’s Type 2 Integrating Sound Level Meter with Octave and 1/3 Octave Band Real Time is displayed on a large 3.5″ 320×240 TFT color backlit LCD.

Features Extech 407790A Real Time Octave Band Analyzer

  • Wide measurement in 5 ranges: 20 to 90dB, 20 to 100dB, 20 to 110dB, and 30 to 120dB, 40 to 130dB
  • 3.5” (320×240) TFT color LCD with backlight feature displays Leq, LE, Lmax, Lmin, Lp, L05, L10, L50, L90, L95
  • Stores readings on microSD card
  • Precise linearity over wide range (100dB)
  • Transferred data to a PC to be analyzed using software and cable provided
  • A, C and Z weighting with Fast or Slow response
  • 25Hz to 10kHz frequency response
  • Meets ANSI and IEC Type 2 standards
  • Internal self test when powered ON
  • Detachable 0.52” (13.2mm) diameter condenser microphone and Tripod mount provided on rear
  • Analog AC/DC recorder output
  • Real time clock with Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute and Second display
  • Optional microphone extension cable for measurements in enclosures and other remote locations (407764-EXT)
  • Complete with Windows® compatible software, USB cable, 4 x C batteries, microphone wind screen, mini screwdriver, 120V AC adaptor, and case

Specifications Extech 407790A Real Time Octave Band Analyzer

Specifications Range
Applicable standards ANSI S1.4 Type 2, EN IEC 60651, EN IEC 60804, and EN IEC 1260-1995
Accuracy ±1.5dB (ref 94dB @ 1kHz)
Measurement functions Lp, Leq, LE, Lmax, Lmin, L05, L10, L50, L90, L95,
Frequency range 25Hz ~ 10kHz
Frequency Weighting A, C, and Z
Time Weighting Fast, Slow, 10ms (τ), I
Display 3.5” (89mm) 320×240 TFT color backlit LCD; Displays 1/1, 1/3, and 1/1 & 1/3
1/1- 1/3 Analyzer level range 5 ranges in 10db steps: 20 to 90dB, 20 to 100dB, 20 to 110dB, 30 to 120dB, 40 to 130dB
1/1 Octave and 1/3 Octave 1/1 Octave band center frequencies: (9 bands);
1/3 Octave band center frequencies: (27 bands)
Signal output AC output: 1 Vrms (at full scale); DC output: 3.0V, 25mV/dB
Memory microSD card (included)
Measurement Time 1s to 23h 59m 59s
Power Four type C size 1.5V batteries, External DC power: 6V, 1A
Dimensions/Weight 13.6 x 3.9 x 2.4” (345 x 100 x 60mm)/ 33.5oz (950g)




Extech 407790A – Manual

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Extech 407790A Real Time Octave Band Analyzer dan juga menjual Brand Extech. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSISGISMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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