Fluke 561 HVAC Infrared & Contact Thermometer

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Fluke 561 HVAC Infrared & Contact Thermometer

  • Termometer IR kontak dan non-kontak untuk mengukur jarak dekat atau jarak jauh, tanpa tangga
  • Mengukur suhu dari -40°C hingga 550°C (-40°F hingga 1022°F)
  • Bekerja dengan semua termokopel tipe K konektor mini standar
  • Menyediakan penampakan laser satu titik
  • Memungkinkan penyesuaian emisivitas yang mudah untuk mengukur pipa dan permukaan mengkilap lainnya dengan lebih akurat

Product Description

Fluke 561 HVAC Infrared & Contact Thermometer

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The Fluke 561 IR contact thermometer combines the temperature measurement functions that industrial, electrical, and HVAC/R professionals need in one tool. It is an IR thermometer for non-contact measurements, with K-type thermocouple capability for contact temperature measurement. It’s fast, efficient, and easy to use, saving you valuable time and effort.

Use the 561 IR capabilities to scan large areas or small objects quickly and efficiently, without having to shut down equipment. Measure hot, moving, electrically energized, and hard-to-reach objects instantly. Check motors, insulation, breakers, radiant heating, pipes, corroded connections, and wires. Plus, scan ducts, and other hard-to-reach objects from the floor and leave your ladder in the truck.

You can also use the Fluke 561’s handy flexible pipe probe (included) to take super-heat or internal temperatures. Or plug in any industry standard type K mini connector thermocouple probe to take those measurements and preserve your investment in thermocouples you already own.

Features Fluke 561 HVAC Infrared & Contact Thermometer :

  • Termometer IR untuk pengukuran cepat dari dekat, atau dari jarak jauh, tanpa tangga
  • Kemampuan termometri kontak, kompatibel dengan semua termokopel konektor mini standar tipe K, menghemat investasi Anda dalam termokopel
  • Pengerat kain hook-and-loop pemindai pipa untuk panas super (superheat) dan sub-pendinginan (sub-cooling) serta pengukuran kontak dan ambien lainnya
  • Pengamatan laser titik tunggal
  • Rentang suhu -40 °C s/d 550 ° C (-40 °F s/d 1022 °F) yang mencakup sebagian besar aplikasi industri dan perumahan
  • Penyesuaian emisivitas mudah (Lo, Med, Hi) untuk mengukur pipa dan material mengkilat lainnya secara lebih akurat
  • Ringan (hanya 12 ons/340 gram) dan portabel
  • Sangat mudah digunakan
  • Efisien tanpa perlu mematikan peralatan ketika melakukan pengukuran IR
  • Fungsi MIN, MAX, dan DIF membantu Anda mengidentifikasi masalah dengan cepat
  • Memindai area luas atau objek kecil secara cepat dan efisien

Specifications Fluke 561 HVAC Infrared & Contact Thermometer :

General Specifications
Temperature -40 to 550°C (-40 to 1022°F)
Display resolution 0.1°C (0.1°F) of reading
D:S (distance to spot size) 12:1
Easy emissivity selector Adjustable with three settings:
Low (0.3), medium (0.7). high (0.95)
Display accuracy [assumes ambient operating temperature of 23°C (73°F) to 25°C (77°F)] ±1.0% of reading ±1% of reading or ±1°C (±2°F), whichever is greater below 0°C / 32°F, ±1°C (±2°F) ±0.1°/1°
Response time 500 mSec (95% of reading)
Repeatability ±0.5% of reading or ±1°C (±2°F), whichever is greater
Spectral response 8 µm to 14 µm
Laser sighting Single point laser
Laser shutoff Laser turns off above ambient temperature of 40°C (104°F)
Laser power Class 2(II) operation; Output < 1 mW, wavelength 630-670 nm
Relative humidity 10% to 90% RH non-condensing, at < 30°C (86°F)
Power, battery life 2 AA batteries (alkaline or NiCD)
Battery life 12 hours
Display hold 7 seconds
Backlit display Yes, LCD with dual temperatures (current and MAX/MIN/DIF/KTC), low battery, F/C indicator, and Scan/Hold options
Warranty 2 years
Operating temperature 0°C to 50°C (32°F to 120°F)
Storage temperature -20°C to 65°C (-25°F to 150°F)
MAX, MIN, DIF temperatures Yes
Thermocouple Type K mini adapter input Yes, compatible with industry standard K type probes with mini-connector. Displays to the thermometer temperature range.
Thermocouple Type K fabric hook-and-loop fastener pipe probe Yes, with a temperature range of 0°C to 100°C (32°F to 212°F) and accuracy of ±2.2°C (±4°F)
HVAC measurement guide Yes



KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Fluke 561 HVAC Infrared & Contact Thermometer dan juga menjual Brand Fluke. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSISGISMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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1,5 kg

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