Fluke 568 Ex Intrinsically Safe Mini Infrared Thermometer

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Fluke 568 Ex Intrinsically Safe Mini Infrared Thermometer
  • Mengukur -40 °C s/d 800 °C /-40 °F s/d 1472 °F (568)
  • Fitur mutakhir yang mudah diakses dengan tombol sentuh dan layar dot matrix
  • Mengukur objek kecil dari jauh, dengan rasio jarak-ke-spot 50:1 (568)
  • Menangkap beberapa titik data (hingga 99), untuk diunduh dan diambli di lain waktu

Product Description

Fluke 568 Ex Intrinsically Safe Mini Infrared Thermometer

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Use the Fluke 568 Ex for intrinsically safe temperature measurements anywhere in the world

The Fluke 568 Ex Intrinsically Safe Infrared Thermometer is certified by major rating bodies for use in Class I Div. 1 and Div. 2 or Zone 1 and 2 hazardous environments anywhere in the world. Whether you work in petroleum, chemical, oil and gas, or pharmaceutical environments, the 568 Ex allows you to carry the most trusted name in test tools into most Ex-rated areas around the globe. The simple, three-button on-screen menu interface is quick to use and makes even complex measurements easy. It takes just a few pushes of a button to adjust emissivity, record data, or turn on and off alarms. The 50:1 distance-to-spot ratio allows you to measure smaller objects from further away. And it also is compatible with K-type probes for contact measurements. Either way, you can count on the rugged, ergonomic design to stand up to tough conditions.

Features Fluke 568 Ex Intrinsically Safe Mini Infrared Thermometer

  • Intrinsically safe infrared and contact thermometer
  • Meets intrinsically safe certifications in Class I Div. 1 and Div. 2 or Zone 1 and 2 hazardous environments
  • Measures temperatures from -40°C to 800°C (-40°F to 1472°F)
  • Comes with a conductive case to safely carry the IR thermometer into hazardous areas
  • Offers a distance-to-spot ratio of 50:1

Other useful features:

  • Instantly alerts you to measurements outside of set limits with audible and visual alarms
  • Provides with 1% measurement accuracy
  • Comes with thermocouple K bead probe and two-year warranty -30-
  • Features a rugged, easy-to-use, ergonomic design that stands up to tough industrial, electrical, and mechanical environments
  • Works with connector K-type thermocouples
  • Allows easy access to advanced features with soft-key buttons and graphical display
  • Captures up to 99 points of data for quick downloading to a PC through the USB connection
  • Powered by two AA batteries
  • Allows you to confidently measure a wide variety of surfaces with adjustable emissivity and built-in materials table
  • Easily adapts to lighting conditions with a two-level backlight

Specifications Fluke 568 Ex Intrinsically Safe Mini Infrared Thermometer

Infrared temperature range -40°C to 800°C (-40°F to 1472°F)
Infrared accuracy < 0°C (32°F): ±(1.0°C (±2.0°F) + 0.1°/1°C or°F);
> 0°C (32°F): ±1% or ±1.0°C (±2.0°F), whichever is greater
Display resolution 0.1°C / 0.1°F
Infrared spectral response 8 µm to 14 µm
Infrared response time < 500 ms
Thermocouple type-k input temperature range -270°C to 1372°C (-454°F to 2501°F)
Thermocouple type-k input accuracy < -40°C: ±(1°C + 0.2°/1°C)
≥ -40°C: ±1% or 1°C, whichever is greater < -40°F: ±(2°F + 0.2°/1°F)
≥ -40°F: ±1% or 2°F, whichever is greater
D:S (distance to measurement spot size) 50:1
Laser sighting Single-point laser
Minimum spot size 19 mm (0.75 in)
Emissivity adjustment By built-in table of common materials or digitally adjustable from 0.10 to 1.00 by 0.01
Data storage 99 points
Hi/Low alarms Audible and two-color visual
Min/Max/Avg/Dif Yes
Display Dot matrix with function menus
Backlight Two levels, normal and extra bright for darker environments
Trigger lock Yes
Switchable celsius and fahrenheit Yes
Power 2 AAA/LR03 type-approved batteries (For a list of type-approved batteries, refer to Product Safety Instructions.)
Battery life 4 hours with laser and backlight on;
100 hours with laser and backlight off, at 100% duty cycle
Operating temperature 0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F)
Storage temperature -20°C to 60°C (-40°F to 140°F)
Bead thermocouple type-k range -40°C to 260°C (-40°F to 500°F)
Bead thermocouple type-k accuracy ±1.1°C (2.0°F) from 0°C to 260°C (32 °F to 500°F),
typically within 1.1°C (2.0°F) from -40°C to 0°C (-40°F to 32°F)



Fluke 568 Datasheet 

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Fluke 568 Ex Intrinsically Safe Mini Infrared Thermometer dan juga menjual Brand Fluke. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSISGISMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


Additional Information




568 Ex

Made In



1,5 kg

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