Garrett Superwand Hand-Held Metal Detector

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Garrett Superwand Hand-Held Metal Detector

The Superwand Garrett is the most advanced handheld detector for security purposes. It comes with a 360 degree detection field, is ergonomically formed and very easy to use and maintain. It allows the used to quickly scan and check a person and detect all types of dangerous metal object immediately. The optimal solution for security checkpoints where even large numbers of people need to be screened manually.

Product Description

Garrett Superwand Hand-Held Metal Detector

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Garrett Super Wand Hand Held Metal Detector at Rs 29500 | Metal Detector in Chennai | ID: 18689338148

The Superwand Garrett is the most advanced handheld detector for security purposes. It comes with a 360 degree detection field, is ergonomically formed and very easy to use and maintain. It allows the used to quickly scan and check a person and detect all types of dangerous metal object immediately. The optimal solution for security checkpoints where even large numbers of people need to be screened manually.

The model comes with a 1 year warranty, is Made in USA as all Garrett detectors and meets even the strictest quality standards. Highly recommended handheld detector model.

Specifications Garrett Superwand Hand-Held Metal Detector

Features Descriptions
Ultimate Sensitivity Extremely sensitive towards dangerous metal objects. Sangat sensitif terhadap benda logam.
Self-Calibrating by digital microprocessor technology
Rugged / Desin Robus Optimal shock absorption. Exceeds Mil-Std-810F (drop test) Method 516.5, procedures II and IV.
Ergonomics Ergonomic design for comfortable professional use.
Quick Scan Speed Large 8″ scan surface for quick, thorough scanning and tip pinpointing feature.
Detection Field / Cakupan Deteksi 360° detection coverage field
Alarm Clear audible or Silent / Vibrate LED alarm signal.
Frequency / Frekuensi 2kHz Warble
LED Alert Lights Green: Power ON. Amber: Battery LOW. Red: ALARM condition
Interference Control Interference Elimination Momentary Switch
Control Power switch (Audible / Off / Silent)
Power Battery. Single 9 volt battery provides up to 100 hours of normal operation.
Shipping Weight / Berat 1 kg
Dimensi Lebar 8.3 cm. Panjang 48 cm. Tebal 3.2 cm
Origin 100% Made in USA
Warranty 1 Year. Service and Parts.


Garrett Superwand – Datasheet

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Garrett Superwand Hand-Held Metal Detector dan juga menjual Brand Garrett. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSI, SGI, SMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


Additional Information




Superwand Hand-Held

Made In



1 kg

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