Hanna BL-983314 Resistivity Mini Controller

Hanna BL-983314 Resistivity Mini Controller

Hanna BL983314 Mini Resistivity Controller the best tool for Is a simple to operate resistivity controller designed for ultra pure water, reverse osmosis, and water conditioning applications. And than the BL983314 resistivity controller is also ideal for continuous monitoring to process solutions. Setpoint and calibration are manually adjusted with a trimmer and the alarm relay allows for simple control.

Product Description

Hanna BL-983314 Resistivity Mini Controller

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Features Hanna BL983314 Resistivity Mini Controllers

Hanna BL983314 Mini Resistivity Controller the best tool for Is a simple to operate resistivity controller designed for ultra pure water, reverse osmosis, and water conditioning applications. And than the BL983314 resistivity controller is also ideal for continuous monitoring to process solutions. Setpoint and calibration are manually adjusted with a trimmer and the alarm relay allows for simple control

  • Fire retardant casing
  • Selectable overdose protection system
  • Splash-resistant cover

Specifications Hanna BL-983314 Mini Resistivity Controller

SKU BL983314-web
Product Name Resistivity Mini Controller – BL983314
Quote Required Yes
Resistivity Range 0.00 to 19.90 MΩ•cm
Resistivity Resolution 0.10 MΩ•cm
Resistivity Accuracy ±2% F.S.
Resistivity Calibration factory calibrated
Resistivity Temperature Compensation automatic and linear from 5 to 50°C (41 to 122°F) β=2.4 ; 3.5 ; 4.5 %/°C selectable through jumper on the rear panel
Resistivity Dosing Relay maximum 2A (fuse protected), 250 Vac, 30 Vdc contact closed when measure < setpoint
Resistivity Dosing Set Point adjustable from 0 to 19.90 MΩ•cm
Resistivity Hysteresis Band 0.20 MΩ•cm
Over Dosing Control adjustable, typically from 5 to approximately 30 minutes
Power Consumption 10 VA
Resistivity Probe HI3314 resistivity probe with 2 m (6.6’) cable (included)
Power Supply BL983314-0
Dimensions 83 x 53 x 99 mm (3.3×2.1×3.9”)
Weight BL983314-0
Ordering Information BL983314-0 (12 VDC) and BL983314-1 (115/230V) are supplied with HI3314 resistivity probe with 2 m (6.6’) cable, mounting brackets, transparent cover and instruction manual.



Hanna BL-983314 – Datasheet

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Hanna BL-983314 Resistivity Mini Controller dan juga menjual Brand Hanna Instruments. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSISGISMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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