Hanna PCA320 Total Chlorine pH and Temperature Analyzer

Hanna PCA320 Total Chlorine pH and Temperature Analyzer
  • Backlit LCD Display
  • Nema 4x protection
  • DPD Chlorine measurement method
  • Colorimeter diagnostics
  • Amplified pH/temperature probe
  • Data logging of up to 3500 measurements
  • GLP data for review of calibration information

Product Description

Hanna PCA320Total Chlorine pH and Temperature Analyzer

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Key Hanna PCA320

The PCA family are process analyzers for the continuous measurement of chlorine and temperature. Also, pH (PCA320, PCA330, PCA340) and ORP where specified. The analyzers feature built in data logging, RS 485 digital output, dosing relays, and alarm relays packaged in a wall mount Nema 4 x enclosure. The PCA340 also features two analog outputs.

The PCA300 family uses DPD Colorimetric method in which N, N-Diethyl-p-phenylenediamine indicator and a buffer are mixed together with the sample. The resulting chemical reaction causes a magenta color to form in the presence of chlorine. The color intensity is proportional to the concentration. The color intensity is measured photometrically (light source at a specific wavelength and a photodetector) and converted to chlorine concentration, in mg/L, which is displayed on the front panel. The sampling interval for chlorine measurement is adjustable from 3 to 90 minutes.

Features Hanna PCA320 Total Chlorine pH and Temperature Analyzer

  • Backlit LCD Display
  • Nema 4x protection
  • DPD Chlorine measurement method
  • Colorimeter diagnostics
  • Reagent reminder
  • Amplified pH/temperature probe
  • Data logging of up to 3500 measurements
  • GLP data for review of calibration information
  • Digital RS485 output
  • Two analog outputs for recording or dosing devices (PCA340)
  • Two dosing relays
  • SPDT alarm relay
  • SPDT system error relay
  • Warning messages
  • Each PCA 300 series model is supplied with reagent bottles (2), reagent caps (2), 1 DPD compound powder, tubing and instructions

Specifications Hanna PCA320 Total Chlorine pH and Temperature Analyzer

Range 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L (ppm)
Resolution 0.01 mg/L (ppm)
Accuracy ±8% or ±0.05 mg/L whichever is greater
pH PCA320, PCA330 & PCA340 only
Range 0.00 to 14.00pH
Resolution 0.01pH
Accuracy ±0.05pH
ORP PCA330 only
Range 0 to 2000 mV
Resolution 1 mV
Accuracy ±1 mV
TEMPERATURE PCA320, PCA330 & PCA340 only
Range 5°C to 75.0°C
Resolution 0.1°C
Accuracy ±0.5°C
ANALOGUE OUTPUT – PCA340 only (2) 4-20mA, 0-20mA for recorder or dosing
Additional Specifications Hanna PCA320 :
Chlorine Calibration one-point process calibration
Chlorine Sampling Rate Adjustable from 3 to 90 minutes
Chlorine Dosage proportional
Chlorine Delta Selectable from 0.1 to 5 mg/L (ppm)
pH Calibration Automatic one or two points; one point process calibration
pH Sampling Rate Adjustable from 3 to 120 seconds
pH Dosing ON/OFF or proportional, relay or 4-20mA output
pH Delta Selectable from 0.1 to 2pH (hysteresis adjustable from 0.05 to 2pH
Recorder output – PCA310, PCA320 & PCA330 4-20mA, 0-20mA
PC Connectivity RS485 port, galvanically isolated
Baud Rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 bps
Data logging up to 3500 data points
Alarm relay SPDT contact with 5A, 230V resistive load
Dosing relay SPDT contact with 5A, 230V resistive load
System error SPDT contact with 5A, 230V resistive load
Inlet pressure 0.07 to 4 bar with no external pressure regulator (for pressure exceeding four bar an external pressure regulator is required)
Sample flow 100 to 300 mL/min
Sample temperature 5 to 40°C
Sample inlet/outlet connection 12mm male NPT fitting
Drain connection 10mm barb
Power supply 230 VAC ±10%
Enclosure NEMA-4X Standard, molded fiberglass polyester with transparent Lexan window
Dimensions/weight 318 x 267 x 159mm/5kg without reagents
PCA310 Free and total chlorine analyzer/controller (230V)
PCA320 Free and total chlorine analyzer/control, pH control, temperature (230V)
PCA330 Free and total chlorine analyzer/control, pH control, ORP monitoring, temperature (230V)
PCA340 Free and total chlorine analyzer/control, pH control, temperature with dual analogue outputs (230V)
HI-70473 PCA tubing kit, pressure regulator to drain (2). Each kit includes: transparent Tygon tubes 86L x 3.2ID mm (Length x Internal Diameter) and 105 x 9.5 mm
HI-70474 PCA peristaltic pump tubing kit (6). Each kit includes: non- transparent C-flex tubes 55L x 0.8ID mm
HI-70475 PCA peristaltic pump tubing kit (2). Each kit includes: non- transparent C-flex tubes 55L x 0.8ID mm
HI-70476 PCA reagent bottle tubing kit (6). Each kit includes: non- transparent C-flex tubes 155L x 0.8ID mm
HI-70478 PCA tubing kit, bottle to pump (6 ). Each kit includes: non- transparent C-flex tube 150L x 0.8ID mm
HI-70479 PCA tubing kit, pump to Y strainer (6 pcs). Each kit includes: non-transparent C-flex tube 150L x 0.8ID mm
HI-70482 PCA filters. The kit includes 0.5 µm and 50 µm filters
HI-70496 Replacement filter, 0.5 µm
HI-70497 Replacement filter, 50 µm
HI-70484 PCA complete tubing kit. The kit includes: non-transparent C-flex tubes 150L x 0.8ID (4 pcs), non-transparent C-flex tubes 55L x 0.8ID (2 pcs), non-transparent C-flex tubes 50L x 0.8ID and Y strainer
HI-70485 PCA stirrer motor
HI-70486 PCA Stirring bar
HI-704871 Measuring cell
HI-70488 Electrovalve 24VAC/60Hz
HI-70489 Electrovalve 24VAC/50Hz
HI-70492 Electrode holder (PCA330)
HI-70493 Closing cap for electrode holder
HI-1005 Amplified pH electrode with matching pin and Pt100 (PCA320/330 only)
HI-2008 Amplified ORP electrode with Matching Pin (PCA 330 only)
HI-70481 Total Chlorine Reagent set for PCA buffer citrate, 500ml
HI-70430 Free chlorine reagents set for PCA (the most stable), recommended for long term measurements, 500 mL (2) + 6 g powder
HI-70480 Free chlorine reagents set for PCA, recommended for short term measurements, 500 mL (2) + 5 sachets (DPD)
HI-70490 Free chlorine reagents set for PCA, 500 mL (2) + 5 sachets (DPD)
HI-70452 DPD reagent, 5 sachets
HI-70460 Total chlorine indicator solution for PCA, 500ml – (After addition of 5 powder sachets (HI-70452-0))
HI-70461 Total chlorine buffer solution for PCA, 500ml
HI-70450 Free chlorine indicator solution for PCA, 500ml – (After addition of 5 powder sachets (HI-70452-0))
HI-70451 Free chlorine buffer solution for PCA, 500ml
HI-7004L pH 4.01 buffer solution, 500ml
HI-7006L pH 6.86 buffer solution, 500ml
HI-7007L pH 7.01 buffer solution, 500ml
HI-7009L pH 9.18 buffer solution, 500ml
HI-7010L pH 10.01 buffer solution, 500ml
HI-7020L 200-275mV buffer solution, 500ml
HI-7091L Pretreatment reducing solution, 500ml
HI-7092L Pretreatment oxidizing solution, 500ml
HI-70300L Storage solution, 500ml
HI-7082 3.5M KCL electrolyte, 30ml
HI-7061L Electrode cleaning solution, 500ml
HI-92500 Windows® compatible software




Hanna PCA320 – Datasheet

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Hanna PCA320 Total Chlorine pH and Temperature Analyzer dan juga menjual Brand Hanna Instruments. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSI, SGI, SMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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