Hantek 6022BL PC USB Oscilloscope

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Hantek 6022BL PC USB Oscilloscope

20MHz Bandwidth; 48MSa/s Sample Rate; 16 Channels Logic Analyzer; Excellent industrial design-the same anodised aluminium casing as iPad, which is not only beautiful and tasteful but also greatly enhanced the hardness of aluminum alloy surface, and has good heat resistance and strong wearability. Standard USBXI (TM) interface, easyly inserts into USBXI (TM) housing to make up a combination instrument.

Product Description

Hantek 6022BL PC USB Oscilloscope

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20MHz Bandwidth; 48MSa/s Sample Rate; 16 Channels Logic Analyzer; Excellent industrial design-the same anodised aluminium casing as iPad, which is not only beautiful and tasteful but also greatly enhanced the hardness of aluminum alloy surface, and has good heat resistance and strong wearability. Standard USBXI (TM) interface, easyly inserts into USBXI (TM) housing to make up a combination instrument.

Features Hantek 6022BL PC USB Oscilloscope

  • Excellent industrial design-the same anodised aluminium casing as iPad, which is not only beautiful and tasteful but also greatly enhanced the hardness of aluminum alloy surface, and has good heat resistance and strong wearability
  • Standard USBXITM interface, easily inserts into USBXITM housing to make up a combination instrument
  • USB2.0 interface, no external power source required, easy to use
  • Be suitable for notebook computer, product line maintenance, be used easily on business
  • Dimensions (mm):205(L) x120(W) x35(H), be carried easily
  • High performance, 48MS/s real-time sampling, 20MHz bandwidth
  • 16Channels Logic Analyzer, 10MHz Bandwidth
  • Operating System: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
  • 20 measurement functions
  • intensity, invert, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, X-Y plot
  • Save waveform in the following: text file, jpg/bmp graphic file, MS excel/word file
  • FFT
  • One computer can connect many DSO, extend channel easily
  • Labview\VB\VC Second Design instance

Specifications Hantek 6022BL PC USB Oscilloscope

Model Hantek6022BL
Oscilloscope Features
Bandwidth 20MHz
Channel 2(Digital)+16(Logic)
Sample Rate 48MSa/s
Memory Depth 1M
Rise Time 17.5ns
Time Base Precision ±50ppm
Time Base Range 1ns/div-5000s/div (Step by1-2-5)
Input Impendence 1MΩ 25pF
Input Sensitivity 20mV/div~5V/div
Vertical Resolution 8Bit
Vertical Position Range 20mV ~ 5V/div @ x1 probe; 200mV ~ 50V/div @ x10 probe;
2V ~ 500V/div @ x100 probe; 20V ~ 5KV/div @ x1000 probe
DC Accuracy ±3%
Trigger Type Edge
Trigger Source CH1, CH2
Math +,-,x,÷,FFT, Invert
Cursor Measurement Cross,  Horizontal, Vertical
Auto Measurement Vpp, Vamp, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vmid, Vbase, Mean, Vrms, Vcrms, Preshoot, Overshoot, Frequency, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Width, Negative Width, +Duty Cycle,-Duty Cycle
Logic Analyzer Features
Channel 16
Max. Impendance 1MΩ(C=7.5pF)
Max. Voltage 0V~5.5V
Max. Sample 48M
Bandwidth 10MHz
Compatible Input TTL, LVTTL, CMOS
Memory Depth 1M/CH
General Features
Power USB Port
Demensions 200mm x100mm x 35mm
Weight 0.3KG
Standard Probe 2 x PP80B




Hantek 6022BL – Manual

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Hantek 6022BL PC USB Oscilloscope dan juga menjual Brand Hantek. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSISGISMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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1,5 kg

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