HikMicro LYNX Pro LH25 Thermal Imaging Monocular

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HikMicro LYNX Pro LH25 Thermal Imaging Monocular

HikMicro LYNX Pro LH25 handheld thermal monocular camera is equipped with a 384 × 288 infrared detector and a 1280 × 960 LCOS display. It supports functions of observation, distance measurement, Wi-Fi hot spot, and so on. The high-sensitivity built-in thermal detector provides you with clear view even in total darkness. The monocular is mainly applied to scenarios such as patrolling, searching and rescuing, hiking, travel, and hunting, etc

Product Description

HikMicro LYNX Pro LH25 Thermal Imaging Monocular

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HikMicro LYNX Pro LH25 handheld thermal monocular camera is equipped with a 384 × 288 infrared detector and a 1280 × 960 LCOS display. It supports functions of observation, distance measurement, Wi-Fi hot spot, and so on. The high-sensitivity built-in thermal detector provides you with clear view even in total darkness. The monocular is mainly applied to scenarios such as patrolling, searching and rescuing, hiking, travel, and hunting, etc

01-Compact Size, Easy to Carry_LYNXPro.jpg 02-Advanced VOx 12 μm Imaging Sensor-LYNX PRO-改_.jpg
03-Long Detection Range_LYNXPro.jpg 05-Wi-Fi Hotspot for T-Vision Mobile App_LYNXPro.jpg
06-MORE-LYNX PRO-改.jpg

Specifications HikMicro LYNX Pro LH25 Thermal Imaging Monocular

Sensor 384×288, 12 μm
NETD Less than 35 mK (25 °C,F#=1.0)
Focal Length 25 mm, F1.0
Magnification 2.45 – 19.6
Field of View 10.5°×7.9°
Detection Range 1181 m



HikMicro LYNX Pro LH25 – Datasheet

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier HikMicro LYNX Pro LH25 Thermal Imaging Monocular dan juga menjual Brand HikMicro. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSISGISMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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1 kg

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