iMEX MR360 Machine Control Receiver w/Clamps + Cab Dis

Category Brand
iMEX MR360 Machine Control Receiver w/Clamps + Cab Dis
  • Accuracy: ± 1.5mm
  • Range: 360 degrees
  • Frequency: 2.4 GHz
  • Battery: Lithium-ion rechargeable
  • Charging time: 4 hours Operating time: 60 hours

Product Description

iMEX MR360 Machine Control Receiver w/Clamps + Cab Dis

CV. Karya Mandiri Techindo has a wide range of iMEX products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

iMEX MR360 Machine Control Receiver is a receiver tool for use on construction machines, such as heavy equipment, excavators, bulldozers, and so on. This tool is used to help adjust the height and tilt of the tool during the construction process.

The following are the specifications of the iMEX MR360 Engine Control Receiver:

  • Accuracy: ± 1.5mm
  • Range: 360 degrees
  • Frequency: 2.4 GHz
  • Battery: Lithium-ion rechargeable
  • Charging time: 4 hours Operating time: 60 hours

Specifications iMEX MR360 Machine Control Receiver w/Clamps + Cab Dis

Imex MR360 Machine Control Receiver Specification
Detector Range 200m
Detector Accuracy Fine 3-12mm | Course 5-12.5mm
Detector Receiving Range 360° / 250mm pick up
Detector Wavelength 630nm – 780nm
Power DC 7.2 NiMh
Operating Time 40 Hr
Charging Time 10 Hr
Temperature Range – 20°C + 50°C
Storage – 30°C + 60°C
Waterproof/Shockproof IP66




iMEX MR360 – Datasheet

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier iMEX MR360 Machine Control Receiver w/Clamps + Cab Dis dan juga menjual Brand iMEX. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSI, SGI, SMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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