K3 Pro Infrared Thermometer Forehead

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K3 Pro Infrared Thermometer Forehead

K3 Pro digital thermometer with advanced and safe infrared technology. The most sophisticated thermometer in the world! Non-contact automatic thermometer for fast and reliable testing. A revolutionary and unique product, necessary and useful for measuring heat in half a second with a very accurate result. Convenient to use, especially ideal for testing before entering a business, office building, workplace, store, or anywhere else.

Product Description

K3 Pro Infrared Thermometer Forehead

K3 Pro digital thermometer with advanced and safe infrared technology. The most sophisticated thermometer in the world! Non-contact automatic thermometer for fast and reliable testing. A revolutionary and unique product, necessary and useful for measuring heat in half a second with a very accurate result. Convenient to use, especially ideal for testing before entering a business, office building, workplace, store, or anywhere else.


Specifications K3 Pro Infrared Thermometer Forehead

  • Accuracy 0.2 Degrees Celsius
  • Operating Temperature 10 – 40 degrees Celsius
  • Response Time 0.5 seconds
  • Temperature Range 0 – 50 degrees Celsius
  • Can be mounted on a wall, glass or tripod

There are 3 measurement modes:

  • Object measuring mode
  • Mode for measuring object temperature
  • Body temperature measurement mode

K3 Pro – Manual

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier K3 Pro Infrared Thermometer Forehead dan juga menjual Thermometer. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSI, SGI, SMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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1 kg

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