Ruide Disteo 23 Digital Theodolite

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Ruide Disteo 23 Digital Theodolite

The theodolite Ruide Disteo-23 is designed with an accuracy of 2 seconds, long durability of up to 8 hours of use at an economical price and good specifications, this theodolite can be the first option to help your field work.

Product Description

Ruide Disteo 23 Digital Theodolite

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Digital Theodolite Ruide Disteo-23 is a soil measuring tool to determine the height of the ground with a horizontal angle and an upright angle. Unlike the waterpass which only has a horizontal angle. In the theodolite the angle that can be read can be up to units of seconds per (second). Digital Theodolite Ruide Disteo-23 is widely used in project environments because it can measure the level of straightness between vertical and horizontal lines. For example, to measure the level of the road, the angle of a room or the construction of a high-rise building.

The theodolite Ruide Disteo-23 is designed with an accuracy of 2 seconds, long durability of up to 8 hours of use at an economical price and good specifications, this theodolite can be the first option to help your field work.

Features  Ruide Disteo 23 Digital Theodolite



300m distance range with prism, with 3mm+2ppm distance accuracy. No need for measuring tape or stadia measurement for distance.





Ergonomic full numeric keypad with shortcut keys. No need to note down any combination key or hidden menu to set the instrument. All settings can be found and configured via shortcut keys or onboard software.


3 Core Programs

Angle Measure

Distance Measure & Stake Out

Axis Stake Out
Easy Settings

Distance Setting


PPM Setting
Quick Setting Menu


Power Setting
Compensator Setting


Application Case


During the advance works of construction, staking out the control points is crucial and essential. The accuracy of these control points directly affects the main structure, and therefore the whole process of the construction, such as the concrete deposit, earth fill or excavation.

Axis staking out on Disteo 23 is an unique program that helps to stake out these control points in an easier way. After inputting the offset value from these control points to the known building axis, the program will calculate and indicate you to find the points in field.

Packing List


  • Ruide Disteo23
  • Baterai (1Baterai Charger & 1baterai Alkaline)
  • Charger
  • Carry Case
  • User Manual
  • Sertifikat Kalibrasi
  • Garansi 1tahun
  • Rambu Ukur + Nivo Rambu
  • Alumunium Tripod
Perawatan : 

Selain dikalibrasi rutin ada baiknya untuk perawatan hariannya, setelah theodolite digunakan dilap dari kotoran atau debu yang menemepel menggunakan kain bersih atau majun dengan sedikit minyak kayu putih.

Manfaat Kalibrasi : 
  • Menjaga kondisi instrumen ukur dan bahan ukur agar tetap sesuai dengan spesefikasinya
  • Untuk mendukung sistem mutu yang diterapkan di berbagai industri pada peralatan laboratorium dan produksi yang dimiliki.
  • Bisa mengetahui perbedaan (penyimpangan) antara harga benar dengan harga yang ditunjukkan oleh alat ukur.
  • Kalibrasi Sebaiknya Dilakukan Secara Rutin & Berkala, Baiknya Alat Itu Dikalibrasi Per 6 Bulan Sekali Atau Waktu Pemakaian Alat Sudah Mencapai 1.000 jam.




Ruide Disteo 23 – Catalogue

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Ruide Disteo 23 Digital Theodolite dan juga menjual Brand Ruide. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSISGISMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


Additional Information




Disteo 23

Made In



20 Kg

Accessories Included

Baterai (1Baterai Charger & 1baterai Alkaline)
Carry Case
User Manual
Sertifikat Kalibrasi
Rambu Ukur + Nivo Rambu
Alumunium Tripod

Product Enquiry


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