Smart Sensor AS824 Sound Level Meter

Smart Sensor AS824 Sound Level Meter

Sound level meter, also known as (noise meter) is the most basic instrument in noise measurement. A sound level meter is generally composed of a condenser microphone, a preamplifier, an attenuator, an amplifier, a frequency weighting network, and an effective value indicating meter.

Product Description

Smart Sensor AS824 Sound Level Meter

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Sound level meter, also known as (noise meter) is the most basic instrument in noise measurement. A sound level meter is generally composed of a condenser microphone, a preamplifier, an attenuator, an amplifier, a frequency weighting network, and an effective value indicating meter. The working principle of the sound level meter is: the microphone converts the sound into an electrical signal, and then the preamplifier transforms the impedance to match the microphone with the attenuator. The amplifier adds the output signal to the weighting network, performs frequency weighting on the signal ( or an external filter), and then amplifies the signal to a certain amplitude through the attenuator and the amplifier, and finally after being processed by the digital circuit processor, it is displayed on the LCD The corresponding value is displayed on the

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Specifications Smart Sensor AS824 Sound Level Meter


1/2 inch Condenser Microphone

Measuring Leve

30~130 dBA

35~130 dBC



Frequency Range


Standard According to IEC651 TYPE 2 & ANSIS1.4 TYPE 2

Frequency Weighting

A & C

Level Range Bar Graph

Range Selection

4 modes

Range Over Indication

Battery Indication

Backlight Display

Max & Min Hold Function

Digit & Resolution

4 digits & 0.1dB

Time Weighting

Fast / SLow

Auto Power Off

External power supply

Sampling Frequency

2 times / sec

Jual Sound Level Meter Smart Sensor AS824 DB Tester AS-824 AS 824 Desibel - Jakarta Barat - Supermarketmurah | Tokopedia



Smart Sensor AS824 – Datasheet

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Smart Sensor AS824 Sound Level Meter dan juga menjual Brand Smart Sensor. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSI, SGI, SMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


Additional Information


Smart Sensor



Made In



600 g

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