Tenmars TM-91 Radiation Monitor

Category Brand
Tenmars TM-91 Radiation Monitor
  • Display units in uSv/h and uRem/h.
  • Built-in a GM tube.
  • Quick response to the radiation strength of Beta(B), Gamma(y) and X-ray.
  • Auto Ranging.
  • Automatic detection, easy setting.
  • A beeper chirps with each radiation count.
  • Audio alarm setting function.

Product Description

Tenmars TM-91 Radiation Monitor

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The Radiation Monitor is the survey meter in measuring the beta, gamma and x-ray radiation. It is useful in monitoring the environment/home safety, nuclear, medical, mining and metal industries. It is also ideal for the border control, customs and cargo inspections.

Features Tenmars TM-91 Radiation Monitor

  • Display units in uSv/h and uRem/h.
  • Built-in a GM tube.
  • Quick response to the radiation strength of Beta(B), Gamma(y) and X-ray.
  • Auto Ranging.
  • Automatic detection, easy setting.
  • A beeper chirps with each radiation count.
  • Audio alarm setting function.

Specifications Tenmars TM-91 Radiation Monitor

  • Dimensions:143x74x34mm(length x width x height).
  • Weight: Approximately 220 grams.
 3½digits LCD
 with maximum reading of 1999
 1 time/10 seconds (<20µSv/h),
 1 time/10seconds (>20µSv/h)
 µSv/h, µRem/h
 Measurement   Range
 Test radiation
 β-radiation & γ- radiation
 Energy   dependency
 ±15%: 20µSv/h, 2000µRem/h Other
 ±20%: 20µSv/h~1400µSv/h,             2000µRem/h~140µRem/h
 Alarm Settlings
 Default value: 0.50µSv/h
 Setting range: 0~19.99µSv/h
 Auto Power off
 Default value: 30 minutes
 Setting range: 0~60 minutes
 (0: disable the auto power off)
 Battery type
006P 9V
 Battery life
About 50 hours


Tenmars TM-91 – Datasheet

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Tenmars TM-91 Radiation Monitor dan juga menjual Brand Tenmars. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSI, SGI, SMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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