TUF-2000B Ultrasonic Flow Meter

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TUF-2000B Ultrasonic Flow Meter

TUF-2000B Flowmeter can be virtually applied to a wide range of long-term online measurement. The enclosure comes with protection class IP67 and transducer protection class IP98. Variety of liquid applications can be accommodated ultra-pure liquids, portable water, chemicals, raw sewerage, reclaimed water, cooling water, river water, plant etc.

Product Description

TUF-2000B Ultrasonic Flow Meter

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TUF-2000B Flowmeter can be virtually applied to a wide range of long-term online measurement. The enclosure comes with protection class IP67 and transducer protection class IP98. Variety of liquid applications can be accommodated ultra-pure liquids, portable water, chemicals, raw sewerage, reclaimed water, cooling water, river water, plant etc.

Specifications TUF-2000B Ultrasonic Flow Meter


  • Principle: Transit-time ultrasonic flowmeter
  • Accuracy: ±1%
  • Display: 2×20 characters LCD with backlight, support the language of English
  • Signal output:
    1-way 4-20 mA output, electric resistance 0-1 K, accuracy 0.1%
    1-way OCT pulse output (Pulse width-1000 ms, default is 200 ms)
    1-way Relay output
  • Signal input:
    3-way 4-20 mA input, accuracy 0.1%, acquisition signal such as temperature, press and liquid level Connect the temperature transducer PT-100, can finish the heat/energy measurement
  • Data Interface: Insulate RS-485 serial interface, upgrade the flowmeter software by computer, support the MODBUS

Pipe Installation Condition

  • Pipe material: Steel, stainless steel, cast iron, copper, cement pipe, PVC, Aluminum, glass steel product, liner is allowed
  • Pipe diameter: 25-6000 mm
  • Straight pipe: Transducer installation should be satisfied: upstream 10 D, downstream 5 D, 30 D from the pump

Measuring Medium

  • Type of liquid: Single liquid can transmit sound wave; such as water (hot water, chilled water, city water, sea water, waste water, etc.); sewage with small particle con tent, oil (crude oil, lubricating oil, diesel oil, fuel oil, etc.); chemicals (alcohol, etc.); plant effluent; beverage; Ultra-pure liquids, etc
  • Temperature Turbidity:
    No more than 10,000 ppm and less bubble
  • Flow rate Temperature Humidity:
    0-±7 m/s
    Convertor; -20-60C; Flow Transducer: -30-160℃
    Convertor: 85% RH; Flow Transducer: can measure under water, water depth ≤2 m

Working Environment

  • Temperature: Convertor; -20-60C; Flow Transducer: -30-160C
  • Humidity: Convertor: 85% RH; Flow Transducer: can measure under water, water depth ≤ 2m
  • Power Supply: DC 8-36 V or AC 85-264 V (Optional)
  • Power: Consumption 1.5 W
  • Dimensions: 132*150*85 mm (convertor)
Standard Packing:
  • TUF-2000B Host
  • Steel Belt
  • Ultrasonic Transducer
  • 2 x 5 m flow signal cable optional transducers




TUF-2000B – Datasheet

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier TUF-2000B Ultrasonic Flow Meter dan juga menjual Brand Flow Meter. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSISGISMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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3,5 kg

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