Xirius SLT12 Total Station

Category Brand
Xirius SLT12 Total Station
  • Efficient ST-Surv Software
  • Visual-guided Stakeout
  • CAD Stakeout
  • Visual Documentation
  • E-bubbles Animated Guidance

Product Description

Xirius SLT12 Total Station

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Xirius SLT12 is a revolution in the world of surveying. With the integration of Android operating system and special software, this total station provides a more intuitive and efficient measurement experience. Equipped with a high-resolution touchscreen and integrated camera, the SLT12 opens a new era in measurement accuracy and speed.

total station xirius slt12 android total station

Features Xirius SLT12 Total Station

Efficient ST-Surv Software

Easily configure various scenarios with fast convenience and support for online updates, ensuring you are always up to date with the latest features and improvements.

Visual-guided Stakeout

Visualize stakeout points through the camera feed allowing you to precisely position elements and markers in the field. Reduce the frequency of looking down the telescope, easily find points through image guidance and visually verify your measurements in real time.

CAD Stakeout

With millisecond-level dynamic response, the high-performance CAD engine simplifies the selection of stakeout points and lines, making the process very intuitive and efficient with just one click.

Visual Documentation

The integrated camera allows you to take pictures and visual notes of the points. This documentation can be invaluable for future reference, analysis and reporting.

E-bubbles Animated Guidance

Animated guidance simplifies setup, allowing users to adjust the foot screws and level the instrument simultaneously, without the need for repeated rotations.

Specifications Xirius SLT12 Total Station


Include Packages:
  • 1x Xirius SLT12 Android Total Station
  • 2x Aluminum Standing Tripod
  • 1x Jalon Pole Stick
  • 1x Polygon Prism
  • 1x Single Target Prism




KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Xirius SLT12 Total Station dan juga menjual Brand Xirius. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSI, SGI, SMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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