PCE Instruments PCE-MFM 3000 Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Meter

PCE-MFM 3000

PCE Instruments PCE-MFM 3000 Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Meter

PCE Instruments PCE-322A Noise Meter / Sound Meter


PCE Instruments PCE-322A Noise Meter / Sound Meter

PCE-322A is a handheld, portable, professional Class II noise meter, sound meter or decibel meter with built-in data-logging or data-recording functionality. Thus, PCE-322A is ideal for real-time noise measurement as well as for long-term noise exposure monitoring over time. A mini tripod is included in the delivery contents, as is a wind noise suppressor. The recorded decibel readings help users determine if and what protective measures need to be taken to ensure overall health, safety and productivity in industrial, commercial, occupational, educational and residential environments. The noise meter or sound level meter can also be used to evaluate acoustics for audio installations.