AMTAST SL5868P Sound Level Meter

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AMTAST SL5868P Sound Level Meter
  • Portable design that is practical and easy to measure
  • It has a wide LCD screen that will make it easier for users to read measurement results
  • With easy operation buttons, users can operate this tool efficiently
  • Has a wide range from 30 to 130 decibels
  • Equipped with a backlight feature that will make it easier for users to take measurements in low light rooms
  • Equipped with data storage that can accommodate 4700 data

Product Description

AMTAST SL5868P Sound Level Meter

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AMTAST SL5868P Sound Level Meter is a measuring device used to assist users in measuring the noise level of an object. This tool is compatible with several standards from GB / T 3785, IEC 651 Type 2, ANSIS 1.4 Type 2. Because if a noise is left continuously it can be harmful to the surrounding environment. So that with this tool the user does not need to worry.

AMTAST SL5868P is widely used in general in noise pollution studies to determine the noise level of various types of sounds, it can also be used in the fields of mechanics, vehicles, ships, can also be used in industry, airports and many others. This tool is used at airports to measure the noise level caused by aircraft engines, so that the sound radiation generated is not excessive and the environment can be controlled.

Features AMTAST SL5868P Sound Level Meter

  • Portable design that is practical and easy to measure
  • It has a wide LCD screen that will make it easier for users to read measurement results
  • With easy operation buttons, users can operate this tool efficiently
  • Has a wide range from 30 to 130 decibels
  • Equipped with a backlight feature that will make it easier for users to take measurements in low light rooms
  • Equipped with data storage that can accommodate 4700 data
  • It is equipped with a usb interface that makes it easier for users to connect this device to other devices
  • Low power consumption and equipped with automatic power off
  • Complies with GB/T 3785, IEC 651 Type 2, ANSIS 1.4 Type 2 standards so this tool can be used safely

Specifications AMTAST SL5868P Sound Level Meter

Functions LP, Leq, LN
Measuring range
LP: 30 s.d. 130 dBA, 35 s.d. 130 dBC, 35 s.d. 130 dBF
Leq: 30 s.d. 130 dB
LN: 0 s.d. 100 %
Accuracy ±1 dB
Resolution 0.1 dB
Alarms electrons
Screen LCD 0.4″
Data connector RS232C
Power supply 4x 1.5V AAA batteries
Dimensions 236 x 63 x 26mm
Weight 170 g




KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier AMTAST SL5868P Sound Level Meter dan juga menjual Brand AMTAST. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSISGISMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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1,5 kg

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