Extech CG206 Coating Thickness Tester

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Extech CG206 Coating Thickness Tester

Dual technology provides automatic recognition for ferrous and non-ferrous substrates without having you guess the material. Allows for quick, one-handed operation, non- destructive measurement of the coating thickness on various surfaces.

Product Description

Extech CG206 Coating Thickness Tester

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Dual technology provides automatic recognition for ferrous and non-ferrous substrates without having you guess the material. Allows for quick, one-handed operation, non- destructive measurement of the coating thickness on various surfaces.

Features Extech CG206 Coating Thickness Tester

  • Smart automatic substrate recognition
  • Magnetic induction for ferrous substrates
  • Eddy current measurement for non-ferrous substrates
  • Easy-to use menu system
  • Two working modes: Direct and Group
  • Memory stores 1500 readings (30 Group readings)
  • Two point calibration with Zero adjust
  • 8 level adjustable backlight
  • USB interface includes software
  • Low battery indicator
  • Complete with two AAA batteries, USB cable, software, Calibration Iron, Calibration Aluminum, Precision Standards, and pouch

Specifications Extech CG206 Coating Thickness Tester

Specifications Ferrous Non-Ferrous
Measuring Range 0 to 1350μm (0 to 53mils) 0 to 1350μm (0 to 53mils)
Resolution 0.1μm (0.004mils) 0.1μm (0.004mils)
Accuracy ±2.5% ±2.5%
Minimum Curvature Radius 1.5mm (59.06mils) 3mm (118.1mils)
Minimum Diameter 7mm (275.6mils) 5mm (196.9mils)
Minimum Thickness 0.5mm (19.69mils) 0.3mm (11.81mils)
Dimensions 4.5 x 2.1 x 1.1” (113.5 x 54 x 27mm)
Weight 3.9oz (110g)




Extech CG206 – Datasheet

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Extech CG206 Coating Thickness Tester dan juga menjual Brand Extech. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSISGISMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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