Hanna HI-96747 Copper Low Range Portable Photometer

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Hanna HI-96747 Copper Low Range Portable Photometer

HI-96747 Copper low range portable photometers HANNA portable photometers feature an advanced optical system; the combination of a special tungsten lamp, a narrow band interference filter, and a silicon photodetector, all ensure accurate photometric readings every time. The Hanna exclusive CAL Check™ feature utilises ready-made, NIST traceable standards to verify both meter validation and calibration.

Product Description

Hanna HI-96747 Copper Low Range Portable Photometer

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HI-96747 Copper low range portable photometers

HANNA portable photometers feature an advanced optical system; the combination of a special tungsten lamp, a narrow band interference filter, and a silicon photodetector, all ensure accurate photometric readings every time.

The Hanna exclusive CAL Check™ feature utilises ready-made, NIST traceable standards to verify both meter validation and calibration. The exclusive cuvette locking system ensures that the cuvette is inserted into the measurement cell in the same position every time to maintain a consistent path length.

Key features

  • CAL Check™
  • GLP
  • Battery status indicator
  • Built-in timer
  • Error messages
  • Cooling lamp indicator
  • Units of measure

The meter uses an adaptation of the USEPA approved bicinchoninate method.

Specifications Hanna HI-96747 Copper Low Range Portable Photometer

Range 0.000 to 1.500mg/L (ppm)
Resolution 0.001mg/L (ppm)
Accuracy @25°C ±0.010mg/L ±5% of reading
Light Source Tungsten lamp
Light Detector Silicon photocell with narrow band interference filter @ 560nm
Power Supply 9V battery
Auto-off After ten minutes of non-use in measurement mode; after one hour of non-use in calibration mode; with last reading reminder
Environment 0 to 50°
Dimensions 193 x 104 x 69mm
Weight 360g
Method Adaptation of the USEPA approved bicinchoninate method
Ordering Information HI-96747 is supplied with sample cuvettes (2) with caps, 9V battery, instrument quality certificate and instruction manual.
Reagents and Standards (sold separately) HI-96747-11 CAL CheckTM standard cuvettes; HI-95747-01 Reagent for 100 tests; HI-95747-03 Reagents for 300 tests




Hanna HI-96747 – Datasheet

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Hanna HI-96747 Copper Low Range Portable Photometer dan juga menjual Brand Hanna Instruments. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSI, SGI, SMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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1,5 kg

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