Icom IC-F6123D

Category Brand
Icom IC-F6123D
  • Military Standard Radio which is made very sturdy
  • Powerful, front-facing speakers
  • Large programming buttons
  • Offer: Free program fees for up to 10 channels
  • Made in Japan Quality and Reliability.

Product Description

Icom IC-F6123D

Karya Mandiri Techindo has a wide range of Icom products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

  • Military Standard Radio which is made very sturdy
  • Powerful, front-facing speakers
  • Large programming buttons
  • Offer: Free program fees for up to 10 channels
  • Made in Japan Quality and Reliability.

Features Icom IC-F6123D

  • 128 channels with 8 zones
  • Built military rugged!
  • Compact hand microphone
  • GPS receiver connection
  • 8-character LCD
  • Large programmable buttons
  • Powerful, front-facing speaker
  • IDAS™ digital mode operation
  • Built-in 2-Tone and 5-Tone (Analog mode)
  • MDC 1200 compatible (Analog mode)
  • Scan features
  • Lone worker function
  • Optional Active Noise Canceling Microphone

Specifications Icom IC-F6123D

Frequency coverage 350-400MHz
Number of channels 128 channels (8 zones)
Channel spacing 6.25/12.5/25kHz
Type of emission 16K0F3E, 8K50F3E, 4K00F1E/F1D
Current drain (approx.) Tx 50W/45W 11A
25W 5A
Rx Stand-by 300mA
Max. audio 1.2A
Dimensions 50W/45W version 150×40×167.5 mm;
(projections not included; 5.91×1.57×6.59 in
W×H×D) 25W version 150×40×117.5 mm;
5.91×1.57×4.63 in
Weight 50W/45W version 1.1kg; 2.4lb
25W version 0.8kg; 1.8lb
RF output power 50W/45W version 45W, 25W, 5W
(Hi, L2, L1)
25W version 25W, 10W, 2.5W
(Hi, L2, L1)
Spurious emissions 70dB (min.)
Frequency stability ±1.0ppm
Audio harmonic distortion 3% typical
40% deviation
FM Hum and Noise 46/40dB typ. (Wide/Narrow)
Sensitivity 0.25μV typ. (at 12dB SINAD)
0.18μV typ. (at 5% BER)
Adjacent channel selectivity 75/65dB typ. (W/N),
60dB typ. (digital)
Spurious response rejection 70dB min.
Intermodulation rejection 75dB typ. (W/N),
70dBμV emf type. (digital)
AF output power (at 5% distortion with an 4Ω load) 4W (typ.)




Icom IC-F6123D – Brochure

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Icom IC-F6123D dan juga menjual Brand Icom. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSISGISMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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