Icom IC-U88

Category Brand
Icom IC-U88
  • Icom Custom High Power Handling Capacity Speaker for 1500 mW Powerful Audio
  • IP67 Waterproof and Dust-tight Protection
  • 5.5 W/4 W (VHF/UHF) of Output Power
  • Up to 10 Hours of Operating Time with the Supplied Waterproof Battery
  • 128 Memory Channels and Eight Zones
  • Eight Character Alphanumeric Display
  • Built-in CTCSS and DTCS Encoder/Decoder

Product Description

Icom IC-U88

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Features Icom IC-U88

  • Icom Custom High Power Handling Capacity Speaker for 1500 mW Powerful Audio
  • IP67 Waterproof and Dust-tight Protection
  • 5.5 W/4 W (VHF/UHF) of Output Power
  • Up to 10 Hours of Operating Time with the Supplied Waterproof Battery
  • 128 Memory Channels and Eight Zones
  • Eight Character Alphanumeric Display
  • Built-in CTCSS and DTCS Encoder/Decoder
  • Eight DTMF Autodial Memories
  • MDC 1200 PTT ID and BIIS 1200 PTT ID
  • Inversion Voice Scrambler (16 code) for Private Conversations
  • Channel Announcement of the Operating Channel Number
  • Seven Programmable Buttons with Shift Key Function
  • 16 Scan Lists and Priority Scan Functions
  • Hands-Free Operation with the Optional Headset

Specifications Icom IC-U88

Frequency coverage 136MHz–174MHz 335MHz–380MHz
Type of emission 16K0F3E, 11K0F3E (25/12.5kHz)
Number of channels 128 channels
Antenna impedance 50Ω
Power supply requirement 7.5V DC
Operating temperature range −30°C to +60°C (Radio only)
Frequency stability ±2.5ppm
Current drain
Tx High 1.5A 1.3A
Rx Max. audio/Stand-by 500 mA
(Internal SP) /77mA
500 mA
(Internal SP)/80mA
Dimensions (W×H×D)
(Projections not included)
52.2×111.8×22.3 mm (with BP-278)
Weight 230g (with BP-278)
Output power (at 7.5V) 5.5/2.0/1.0W
Max. frequency deviation ±5.0kHz/±2.5kHz (Wide/Narrow)
Spurious emissions 70dB min.
Ext. microphone connector 3-conductor 2.5(d)mm (1/10″)/2.2kΩ
Sensitivity 0.25μV typ. (at 12dB SINAD)
Squelch sensitivity 0.25μV typ. (at threshold)
Adjacent channel selectivity 76dB/53dB typ.
73dB/56dB typ.
Intermodulation 74dB typ. 73dB typ.
Spurious response 70dB min.
Audio output power Internal SP 1500 mW typ. (8Ω load)
External SP 400 mW typ. (8Ω load)
External speaker connector 3-conductor 3.5(d)mm (1/8″)/8Ω



Icom IC-U88 – Manual

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Icom IC-U88 dan juga menjual Brand Icom. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSISGISMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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