Novotest VZ-246 Viscosity Flow Cup

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Novotest VZ-246 Viscosity Flow Cup

Novotest VZ Viscosity Flow Cup is one of the fundamental parameters of measuring instruments for consumables. It is used to control the viscosity of the applicable liquid, such as varnish, paint, oil, liquid ink, etc. Viscosity Flow Cup NOVOTEST VZ (which is shaped like a cup) – depleted one of the fundamental parameters. The nozzle is used to measure the viscosity of varnish and liquid ink (flexo). The viscosity value is determined by the number of seconds (the time in which the tested liquid runs out of the crater-fill). This tool is equipped with a variation feature of various hole sizes according to the standard.

Product Description

Novotest VZ-246 Viscosity Flow Cup

Novotest VZ Viscosity Flow Cup is one of the fundamental parameters of measuring instruments for consumables. It is used to control the viscosity of the applicable liquid, such as varnish, paint, oil, liquid ink, etc. Viscosity Flow Cup NOVOTEST VZ (which is shaped like a cup) – depleted one of the fundamental parameters. The nozzle is used to measure the viscosity of varnish and liquid ink (flexo). The viscosity value is determined by the number of seconds (the time in which the tested liquid runs out of the crater-fill). This tool is equipped with a variation feature of various hole sizes according to the standard.

Features Novotest VZ-246 Viscosity Flow Cup

  • Simple design
  • High measurement accuracy
  • Variation of various hole sizes according to the standard

Specifications Novotest VZ-246 Viscosity Flow Cup

  • Capacity on servoir, ml 100 ± 1
  • Flow time range, 12-300 s
  • Nozzle diameter, mm 2, 4, 6
  • Nozzle height, mm 4
  • Liquid ending time range, s : – for a nozzle with a diameter of 2 mm: 70-300;
    – for nozzles with a diameter of 4 mm: 12-200;
    – for nozzles with a diameter of 6 mm: 20-200;
  • The basic relative error limit value of the low time off measurement of the calibration fluid (industrial oil with a nominal value of kinetic viscosity From 200 to 500 mm / sec, not more than ± 3 arithmetic average flow time
  • Dimensions (without tripod) : – Diameter, mm: not more than 95
    – Height, mm: not more than 75
  • Weight, kg 0.2
Standard Package:
  • Viscosity Flow Cup
  • Nozzles: 2mm, 4mm, 6mm
  • Legs
  • Operating manual



Novotest VZ-246 – Manual

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Novotest VZ-246 Viscosity Flow Cup dan juga menjual Brand Novotest. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSI, SGI, SMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].

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