Tenmars TM-102 Sound Level Meter

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Tenmars TM-102 Sound Level Meter
This Sound Level Meter has been designed to meet the measurement requirements of safety Engineers, Health, Industrial safety offices and quality control in various environments.
  • Ranges from 30dB to 130dB at frequencies between 31.5HZand 8 KHZ
  • Display with 0.1dB steps on a 4 digits LCD
  • With two equivalent weighted sound pressure levels, A and C
  • USB interface 14,000 records datalogger(TM-103)

Product Description

Tenmars TM-102 Sound Level Meter

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Tenmars TM-102 เครื่องวัดเสียง (Sound Level meter)

This Sound Level Meter has been designed to meet the measurement requirements of safety Engineers, Health, Industrial safety offices and quality control in various environments.
  • Ranges from 30dB to 130dB at frequencies between 31.5HZand 8 KHZ
  • Display with 0.1dB steps on a 4 digits LCD
  • With two equivalent weighted sound pressure levels, A and C
  • USB interface 14,000 records datalogger(TM-103)

Features Tenmars TM-102 Sound Level Meter

  • Data hold
  • Auto power off
  • Backlit display
  • Max/Min
  • Auto ranging
  • Time weighting :fast slow
  • Frequency weighting: A,C

Specifications Tenmars TM-102 Sound Level Meter

  • Dimensions:200x56x32mm(length x width x height)
  • Weight: Approximately 290 grams
 4 digits LCD with maximum/minimum
 0.1dB, Display Update: 0.5 sec
 Standard applied
 IEC651 Type2, ANSI1.4  Type2
 Frequency range
 Measuring level   range
 A Weighting 30 ~130dB.
C Weighting 35~130dB.
 Frequency weighting
 ½inch Electret condenser microphone
 Time weighting
 FAST(125mS),SLOW(1 sec)
 Level ranges
 30 ~130dB(Auto Range)
 Dynamic range
 Hold readings for the Maximum and Minimum value
 The reading data shown on LCD can be locked while pressing the   button




Tenmars TM-102 – Manual

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Tenmars TM-102 Sound Level Meter dan juga menjual Brand Tenmars. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSI, SGI, SMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


Additional Information





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1 kg

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