TDS-100F Ultrasonic Flow Meter


TDS-100F Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Liquid Flow Meter is a tool to measure the flow rate or the amount of a fluid flowing. The type of liquid measured by the flow meter can be various kinds of fluids such as drinking water, waste water, sludge water, milk, chemical liquids, sugar water, alcohol, oil etc.

Pentingnya Sound Level Meter Alat Pengukur Suara Di Kehidupan Manusia

Pengertian Sound Level Meter Apakah alat ukur suara/kebisingan (sound level meter) itu? Sebelum itu, ada yang perlu diketahui tentang dasar-dasarnya. Bunyi merupakan suatu perubahan tekanan yang disebabkan oleh kompresi mekanikal dan gelombang longitudinal yang merambat melalui medium, medium atau zat perantara ini dapat berupa zatcair, padat, gas dan dapat dideteksi oleh telinga seorang manusia. Kebanyakan […]

MITECH MFD550B Flaw Detector

MITECH MFD550B Flaw Detector

MITECH MFD550B Flaw Detector

Novotest UD4701PA Phased Array Flaw Detector

Flaw Detector Novotest UD4701PA Phased Array

Novotest UD4701PA Phased Array Flaw Detector

NOVOTEST UD4701PA allows user to assess the state of products or structural elements on site and without pre-testing. This flaw detector is indispensable in such industries like construction, machine building, production of rolled metal, power engineering, research works, chemistry, mining etc.

A1211 Mini Flaw Detector

Flaw Detector A1211 MINI

Flaw Detector A1211 Mini