Turbidity Meter WGZ-20B

Category Brand
Turbidity Meter WGZ-20B
  • Minimum Principle:90 º scattered light
  • Minimum readout NTU:0.01
  • Measuring range NTU:0-20
  • Basic error F.S:8%(2.5%F.S)
  • Repeatability:1%
  • Zero draft NTU:1%F.S
  • Power supply:DC 1.5V, 5 AA alkaline dry cells AC 220V/50Hz DC7.5V 0.2A power supply adapter
  • External dimension:235*75*65 mm

Product Description

Turbidity Meter WGZ-20B

Karya Mandiri Techindo has a wide range of Turbidity Meter products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

WGZ Series scattered light turbidity meter is used for measuring the scattering degree of the lights generated by the insoluble grain matters suspended in water or transparent liquids, with capability to characterize the content of these suspended grain matters.
It can be broadly applied in the measurement of turbidity in power plants, waterworks, treatment stations of domestic sewage, beverage factories, environmental protection departments, industrial water, wine, and pharmacy industries, epidemic prevention divisions, hospitals,and etc

Product Characteristics

  • AC & DC power supply,low power consumption,cabinet and handsome contour design,facilitating field and lab use
  • Configured with auto power-off function and low power dissipation circuit, effectively prolong service life of battery
  • Large screen highly transparent LCD display, with comfortable reading, and free of influence from sunlight
  • Adopting low-drift and high-accuracy integrated circuit, efficient and timeproof light source, effectively ensuring long reliable performance
  • Unique locative structure and high-accuracy light path system,effectively ensuring exactness and repeatability
  • Low voltage indication, cuing users to change battery, to ensure exact and effective measurement
  • Configured with output port of measured values, possible to connect with recording meter

Specifications Turbidity Meter WGZ-20B

  • Model:WGZ-20B
  • Minimum Principle:90 º scattered light
  • Minimum readout NTU:0.01
  • Measuring range NTU:0-20
  • Basic error F.S:8%(2.5%F.S)
  • Repeatability:1%
  • Zero draft NTU:1%F.S
  • Power supply:DC 1.5V, 5 AA alkaline dry cells AC 220V/50Hz DC7.5V 0.2A power supply adapter
  • External dimension:235*75*65 mm




KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Turbidity Meter WGZ-20B dan juga menjual Produk Turbidity Meter. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSISGISMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


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