Icom IC-M700PRO

Category Brand
Icom IC-M700PRO
  • Optional automatic antenna tuner, AT-140/AT-130, matches the radio to your antenna
  • 0.5 to 29.9999 MHz wide band general coverage receive
  • Channel knob allows the user to tune specific frequencies around a memory channel
  • 2 DIN connectors for external equipment connection-linear amplifier, FSK terminal, e-mail modem, etc.
  • 2-tone alarm built-in (Optional depending on version)
  • NMEA 0183 interface included

Product Description

Icom IC-M700PRO

Karya Mandiri Techindo has a wide range of Icom products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

A Favorite Among SSB Marine Radio Operators

Features Icom IC-M700PRO

  • Simplified Operation

Channel selection is quick and easy to access with large, independent Group and Channel knobs. Each panel button has only 1 function. The large easy to read display shows channel (or frequency) and operating status at a glance.

  • Data Operation Capability

The powerful 150 W* (PEP) transmitter provides long distance communication, and ensures that power is always available to you-even during demanding RTTY (radio teletype) or e-mail operation.

*60 W (PEP) above 24 MHz bands.

Other Features

  • Optional automatic antenna tuner, AT-140/AT-130, matches the radio to your antenna
  • 0.5 to 29.9999 MHz wide band general coverage receive
  • Channel knob allows the user to tune specific frequencies around a memory channel
  • 2 DIN connectors for external equipment connection-linear amplifier, FSK terminal, e-mail modem, etc.
  • 2-tone alarm built-in (Optional depending on version)
  • NMEA 0183 interface included

Specifications Icom IC-M700PRO

Frequency coverage




0.5 – 29.9999 MHz

1.6 – 2.9999 MHz

4.0 – 4.9999 MHz

6.0 – 6.9999 MHz

8.0 – 8.9999 MHz

12.0 – 13.9999 MHz

16.0 – 17.9999 MHz

18.0 – 19.9999 MHz

22.0 – 22.9999 MHz

25.- 27.5000 MHz

Mode USB, AM, CW, FSK and AFSK
Number of channels 150 (max.; 3 groups of 50 channels each)
Antenna impedance SO-239 (50Ω)
Power supply requirement 13.6 V DC ±15%
Current drain

(at 13.6 V DC)

Tx max. power 30 A typ
Rx max. audio output 2.5 A
Operating temperature


Guaranteed range

-30°C to +60°C

-22°F to +140°F

-20°C to +60°C

-4°F to +140°F)

Frequency stability ±10 Hz (0.5-14.9999 MHz)

±20 Hz (15-29.9999 MHz)


(projections not included)

291.4(W) × 116.4(H) × 315(D) mm

1115/32(W) × 419/32(H) × 1213/32(D) in

Weight 7.9 kg; 17 lb 7 oz
Remote connector NMEA D-sub 9-pin (female)
ACC 1 connector DIN 8-pin (female)
ACC 2 connector DIN 7-pin (female)
Output power 150 W PEP (below 24 MHz)

60 W PEP (above 24 MHz)

Spurious emissions -75 dB typical
Unwanted sideband 70 dB typical
Carrier suppression 65 dB typ.
Microphone impedance 8-pin connector (600 Ω)


(for 12 dB SINAD)



(for 10dB S/N)

6.3µV (0.5-1.5999 MHz)

1 µV (1.6-1.7999 MHz)

0.35 µV typical( 1.8-29.9999 MHz)

32 µV (0.5-1.5999 MHz)

6.3 µV (1.6-1.7999 MHz)

2.2 µV typical (1.8-29.9999 MHz)

Spurious response rejection ratio 80dB typ. (1.6 – 29.9999MHz)
Audio output power

(at 13.8 V DC)

5 W typ. at 10% distortion with a 4 Ω load
Clarity variable range ±150Hz
External speaker jack 2-conductor 6.5 (d) mm (14″)/4-8 Ω

All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.

Supplied Accessories:
  • Hand microphone
  • DC power cable
  • ACC plugs
  • Mounting bracket kits
  • Microphone hanger
  • Speaker plug
  • Spare fuses




Icom IC-M700PRO – Manual

KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier Icom IC-M700PRO dan juga menjual Brand Icom. Lihat produk kami lainnya di sini JSISGISMG atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456 atau via email [email protected].


Additional Information




Icom IC-M700PRO

Made In



6 kg

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